Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Action by Storm

It seems as if this month is filled with one name. Ory Okolloh. In the last month, I have come across her name several times and finally I decided to do what Google allows me to do best. I looked for her. 

I am glad that I found her. Atleast virtually. If you haven't had a chance to listen to this inspirational woman, mother, sister and African, I suggest that you click here. In her talk about her life, being African and being subject to gazes full of pity, I felt myself speak. When she talked about being in the Diaspora and the pull of 
the Diaspora, I knew she was speaking not to me but about me. 

Her brainchild, Ushahidi, "bearing witness" was home for me when Kenya was on fire. Together with a team of revolutionary Africans (David, Juliana, Eric and a team of volunteers), they are providing this valuable resource to NGOs, for free, to monitor emergency situations. Her team is handing power to the masses, because through their mobile phones, they can create change come war, rain, flood and drought.

Ory, by her move to change things has re-stirred something in me.

In the next few weeks, please be on the look out for a move to a new home site and the long awaited video uploads from other powerful voices.